Marketing online is a little more complicated than you might think.

Having a seasoned professional in your corner can increase your ROI 3X or more. The example below shows you exactly the difference between a good self-serviced campaign and a professionally-managed campaign may perform.
We have developed strategies and tools to ensure that we reach ROI goals. Marketing countertops online is all about understanding the customer, their motivations and current buying situation. By listening to customers through tracking data in your market you can learn quickly what these motivations are and adapt your communication strategy to maximize your ROI in real time.. Sound pretty high tech right.. Well it's not. It's actually one of the main principles in marketing and with the internet this enables us to do this in almost real time. Very power full.

Lets look at an example:


a descent self serviced countertop advertising campaign

Google ad campaign budget $5000
No/Low Perceived Value & awkward value communication
Click Through Rate (CTR) 1.3% 1500 Clicks
Website Conversion rate = 5%  75 Leads
Lead conversion rate = 10% 7 sales
Average sale $2000 Gross $14,000
ROI = 1 : 2.8 (for very dollar invested you are seeing $2.8 in return)
This example shows a sales funnel that is narrowed by low perceived value strategy and a value proposition that is choking your sales team's ability to convert. If the website does not communicate well with the target audience then it will show a low conversion rate from click to lead. This also will translate to a lower lead to sales conversion rate because the sales person will have a hard time making the appointment with the customer and again reducing sales.

Professionally managed countertop advertising campaign

Google ad campaign budget $5000
Solid Perceived Value Campaign and communication strategy
Click Through Rate (CTR) 3% 1500 Clicks
Website Conversion rate = 10%  150 Leads
Lead conversion rate = 15% 22.5 sales
Average sale $2000 Gross $45,000
ROI = 1 : 9 (for very $1 invested in advertising you are seeing $9 in return)
This example shows how by constructing a proper sales funnel and tracking these actions through the sale we will maximize your return and increase your profits with the same marketing budget. By attracting the right customer and translating that to the message of the sales person this enables higher conversion ratio at each step in the sales funnel. By increasing these conversion rates your advertising dollars become more powerful and your ROI is a reflection of this with the potential for 3X the ROI on the same budget.. WOW

Typical Partner

Most of the businesses that we work with already have a website, they typically have already tried other lead providers as well as other agencies or may be trying to go at it on their own.

  • We engage with you by utilizing our existing infrastructure and drive the customer through our tracking application to show your ROI in real time.
  • We work with you on a month to month basis - No long term contracts required.
  • Within days we typically can show you where any issues may be with the sales funnel and address them quickly.
  • Once we have proven to you how we can generate returns we are your partner in success
    • No long term contracts
    • You control the budget
    • You control your business
    • We assist you with planning the next steps of your business growth.

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