Start Marketing for FREE! Countertop marketing is the practice of monitoring and measuring your sales funnel. Developing message, brand, traffic and message testing. Tracking all aspects of the funnel to be able to adjust message and react to changing market conditions to maximize ROI.
Free Countertop Marketing: We will send you 10 local customers. If you can close 1 then we are in business!
PRO TIP: If your current marketing company is telling "YOU" to come up with a new promotion then they are not a marketing company, rather you have hired a media buyer.
With our experience since 2008 marketing custom countertop businesses we have tested and tracked message and promotion through most all changes in market conditions. We "help you" track and react to the changing market to maximize profits.
The free trail of our marketing system is designed for us to try each other out. Are you ready to FireUps your retail channel?
That's Right!
We will send you 10 local Customers for FREE!
With our system we are able to give you a free trial in markets that we don't currently have a partner.
When you close your first deal, we start to scale your business.
If you don't close in the first 10 we "shake hands" and move on!
No Contracts, No BS.
Which Metros to target?
List up to 3 metros you want to target:
in sales for our network of countertop shops last year!
Join us and be a part of the winning team!
Countertop Marketing Specialists
Competitive Analysis
We work with you to develop your message and to help you separate yourself in the local market. We look at what the customer is responding to and incorporate that into your message.
Countertop website SEO
Ranking in the Top 3 for the category and your target market is the goal. If you in the top 3 then you start to rank first page without the local identifier. We leverage our network of properties developed since 2008 to move your new website up the ranks quickly.
Countertop website SEM
The best way to figure our your local market is to get your message in front of your audience quickly. Google Adwords and social media marketing are great ways to test your message and the websites ability to deliver this message track the results and then focus on capturing this audience with organic SEO.
We will unleash our network of niche websites to move your website into better position in the results. With our
Local Countertop SEO program your website is sure to rise to the top. Contact us to find out how we can move you up the rankings.
Spark Lead Management
Lead Tracking (CRM)
Once we have captured the new lead, your team collects details about the customer through the sales process. Where we are with each customer and at which step in the sales process. We capture details about the interactions and set future action items with reminders. This increases performance as well as the ability for team sales staff to work together on all leads.
Sale ROI Tracking
As the customer moves through the sales process we are able to monitor the value of the sale(s) the marketing program generated. This helps us to make adjustments to budget, message and to scale to your capacity at any given moment.
Call 877-877-1916 or use the Join Us! Form.
Custom Countertop Marketing and Advertising Solutions.
We determine your goals and then we execute a strategy that drives results first and then develop that into to your sustainable presence online.
We act as your countertop marketing arm with out the high cost of an agency. specializing in custom countertop marketing and advertising solutions. Design & industry applications that attract customers. Since 2008 We have been positioning companies just like yours in the market, Join Us!
text SMS (857) 209-8674
FireUps® is the first internet marketing service to focus on the countertop shop.
To build solutions that are scale-able, portable and increase opportunities for sales. To provide tracking and ROI monitoring solutions to track customers through the buying process. We have helped granite fabricators all over the US in various stages of growth address issues and bring sales back on track. We are your best resource to get your sales back on track and we have resources to help with many aspects of your Granite Countertops Marketing.
National Partners - Local Results! What's going on in the countertop market today! Countertop Advertising & marketing solution, smart applications to capture more customers.