Would you like to offer more to your customers online?
We have some very powerful tools that can be easily plugged into your existing website and help you convert more of your visitors to leads. You can place this on your website, facebook, twitter etc. anywhere you can place a link you can start providing customers with more value today.

Virtual Kitchen Designer
 This application is great sticky Content (Keep your visitors on you website expose to your brand and services) people view on average 10 pages and stay for 3 minutes on this application. Simply iframe the application inside your current website layout. (I provide you with a unique link so all details are routed directly to you in real time!)

Instant Countertop Estimator
 This application can increase your conversion rate by up to 300% or more. The reason the internet user is on your website is to research local vendors and find the right value. 90% of internet customers already have a quote in hand. They are using the internet to see if a greater value exists. The instant Estimator help you to set these expectations instantly and provide you with valuable contact information about a local customer in market that is actively looking for pricing information. The

price points are customizable to fit your promotions.

Call 877 877 1916

The cost of these applications is very reasonable and your return can be measured in real-time with the new flow of responses from your website.
I can offer you a limited Free Trail if implimented before January 1 2014.
Call 877 877 1916
Let me know if you would like to give your website a boost!
Remnant Stone
I work with a lot of fabricators all over the country and dealing with remnants varies from client to client. Some donÔÇÖt deal with them very well and others leverage remnant sales to drive full kitchens and everything in between. A few things that are consistent is they are a cost and cause inventory and space issue. Maintaining an inventory of remnant material is unattainable. We have the solution. NO INVENTORY TO MANAGE. The customer posts what they are looking for, we then verify the email of the customer and then distribute the request to you based on location. If you have a remnant that fits the request ÔÇô SELL IT! If you donÔÇÖt or donÔÇÖt have time that day ÔÇô IGNORE IT! ThatÔÇÖs simple right. ItÔÇÖs Free!

Thank you and I hope that we will be working together in the future.
Call 877 877 1916
 visit Us online www.fireups.com - Mention BLOGGER for a discount!

FireUps® is the granite and natural stone installers source for instant exposure to local and national markets with strategically Targeted Online Marketing Campaigns and proven Web exposure. FireUps provides local online marketing services for the small to medium sized granite surface installers with a focus on the proven results that will increase your bottom line. Our teams expertise in direct to consumer marketing is second to none, and we want to share how we can help ensure your business is found by the pro-active customer who is searching for counter tops made from granite, stone, marble or other stone surfaces. Just the niche product or services you provide!

FireUps® will put your counter top product, installation service and surface remodeling company on the virtual map and generate a buzz that you could never have imagined. We focus on maximizing your return on investment through a cl
ear understanding of your business objectives and by translating your value proposition to your customers! If you want to do more counter top installations tomorrow,
partner with FireUps® TODAY! 603 617 3877


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