Custom Countertop Leads!

We are not your typical countertop lead company. We help you to grow your sales position your company in the competitive landscape and show you what your customer acquisition costs are.

Driving new customers is not hard. What's hard is getting companies to understand why and how to react to customer's changing behaviors and how to use data to scale a business. Sometimes things are counter intuitive and it may seem like everything is stacked against you.

We have also found sometimes the issue is not you product, or your service. It can be as simple as the wrong person is answering the phone in the office and you would never know until you start tracking and requiring some kind of accountability.

Typically the problem is staring you in the face the entire time.

We drive exclusive leads to remove the "must be price price" from the equation.

We drive exclusive lead to remove the "They must have got the call first" from the equation.

We drive the consumer to your sales process so we can identify where the sale is breaking down.

"I close 95% when I am in the home" I hear this all the time.. So many steps before you have the appointment that the sale can be lost this is no way to manage your business. You should close 100% of home visits because when you don't, that means that you have done something wrong. The job should already be contracted before you visit the home.


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