We have many website that are ranking on the first page of the major search engines and even in the #1 Position.

See these granite countertops examples:

"Granite Countertops buffalo" you will find http://buffalo.granite-countertops.us
"Granite Countertops South Carolina" you will find http://southcarolina.granite-countertops.us
"Granite Countertops phoenix" you will find http://pheonixaz.granite-countertops.us
"Granite Countertops Austin" you will find http://austin.granite-countertops.us
"Granite Countertops Long island" you will find http://longislandny.granite-countertops.us
and many more...

4 major factors contribute to this high rankings:

Relevance: The website is highly related to the keyword that is being searched for. The website is constructed in such a way to attract customers with optimized content to be displayed in the listing and the website landing pages are optimized to the target keywords being searched for.
Keywords: Targeting your local market and ensuring that the on page content relates to the search term.
Domain: Keyword rich domains are one of the highest ranking factors for creating relevance to the search term.

The above factors are mandatory for high rankings. BUT! in order to stay on the first the last factor is required.

Perceived Value: Without perceived value you will not stay on the first page for long. Ensuring that actionable copy is in your SERP content is essential to staying on the first page - Watch out because the search engine does not want that in the listing. They want you to pay for advertising to put your perceived value on the SERP's page. Be prepared to move your content around over time.

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